Thinking Ahead?
"When you think about your finances, how far into the future do you tend to think and plan? Days? Weeks? Months? Years? Decades? Generations?"
This is a question I often ask people during the prospective client process, as how someone answers is very helpful in understanding their financial approach.
How far ahead do you think?
Intimate Partner Violence
“If she’s being abused by her partner, why doesn’t she just leave?”
This is a common question about survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV).
In this guest blog post, Kimberly Klein outlines some basics about IPV and economic abuse, and discusses a few connections to financial planning and long-term economic stability in the lives of IPV survivors.
What Issues Should I Consider Before the End of the Year?
Behold. The end of the year is upon us.
If you’re anything like me, you probably lay in bed late at night wondering whether there are any additional last-minute strategies you can enact to optimize your finances.
That's how everyone thinks, right?
Good news! No need to miss out on your beauty sleep anymore, as there are some ideas below.
Gratitude, Giving, Financial Health
“Why do we do a thankful tree?”
Our 4-year-old asked the question as he stretched precariously to place a construction paper leaf on the highest branch he could reach.
We don’t know when we started the tradition. We think it was at least 10 years ago now. But every day between November 1 and Thanksgiving, each member of our family writes something they are thankful for on a construction paper leaf, and adds it to a “Thank Full” tree made of discarded branches.
— To read more about how gratitude, giving, and financial health intersect, click below.
New Year’s Resolution: Financial Health?
As we say goodbye (good riddance?) to 2020, we turn our gaze to 2021. New possibilities. New ideas. New resolutions. What are you hoping to accomplish during 2021? A common theme for New Year's resolutions is health. Losing weight. Gaining muscle. Eating better. Taking more vacation days. Finding a church.
I have a humble suggestion. How about tending to your financial health?